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China's pharmaceutical packaging equipment facing which new direction of development?

Industry newsAuthor: Admin
In recent years, whether it is a beverage, food, medicine and other industries, packaging is a crucial factor, in addition to protecting the product from contamination, damage, but also directly affects the consumer's visual and purchasing choices, so from the industry's competitive point of view, the production of intellectual property rights of the packaging enterprises to protect is not unreasonable.
In the rapid development of the economy, China's pharmaceutical packaging industry to develop rapidly, a series of policies is to inject power into the industry. "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" put forward to realize the pharmaceutical packaging industry to enhance, cooperate, promote, the development of pharmaceutical preparations, to ensure the quality of medicines and drug safety goals and paths for the development direction. But at the same time, the packaging machinery and equipment industry opportunities and challenges co-exist, local feel "anxious".
China's pharmaceutical packaging accounted for less than 10% of the value of drugs
In the field of pharmaceutical packaging, packaging machinery is used to package the product equipment, the technical content of the machinery and requirements are very high. Relevant data show that in developed countries, packaging occupies 30% of the value of drugs, however, in China, the value of less than 10%. Behind this data, but also packaging technology is a clear contrast portrayal, China's investment in packaging technology is not enough to catch up with foreign enterprises.
With the development of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical packaging industry, the future market prospects are promising, many pharmaceutical companies are also aiming at this piece of "cake" ready to try. But as a whole, due to China's overall packaging machinery industry R & D efforts are not enough, innovation is small, many packaging equipment manufacturers are still in the imitation stage. Therefore, many foreign companies "take advantage of the situation", and China's drug packaging machinery and equipment to carry out fierce competition.
Industry insiders suggest that China's drug packaging machine only to actively participate in international competition to break the "small and scattered" industry situation, in order to further meet the development needs of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. The future of the packaging industry will cooperate with the trend of industrial automation, in the development of technology towards mechanical diversification, standardization, intelligence and other directions.