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How to ensure the hygienic standards and sterility requirements of the product when manufacturing medical paper plastic composite bags?

Industry newsAuthor: Admin
In the medical industry, the hygienic standards and sterility requirements for packaging materials, especially paper-plastic composite bags, are extremely high, because this is directly related to the patient's life safety and medical quality. During the manufacturing process of the DLP-600 medical paper-plastic composite bag making machine, a series of strict measures are taken to ensure that the products meet the hygiene standards and sterility requirements of the medical industry.

In the process of manufacturing medical paper-plastic composite bags, the DLP-600 machine adopts a closed operating environment which is a crucial design feature. It ensures that the product can be kept away from external contamination during the production stage, thus meeting the health standards of the medical industry. strict requirements. The closed operating environment provides a relatively closed working space for the DLP-600 machine. This space is constructed with specially designed sealed doors, windows and materials with good airtightness, thus effectively preventing dust and dust in the outside air. Entry of microorganisms and other contaminants. This design not only reduces the risk of product contamination, but also ensures the stability of the internal environment of the machine, which is conducive to product quality control. The closed operating environment is also equipped with a high-efficiency filtration system to filter the air entering the operating environment, further improving the cleanliness of the air. These filtration systems can effectively remove harmful substances such as particles, bacteria and viruses in the air, ensuring that the air quality in the operating environment meets the standards of the medical industry. In addition to the advantages of hardware design, the closed operating environment further ensures product hygiene standards through standardized operating procedures and management measures. During the operation of the machine, employees need to follow strict hygiene regulations, such as wearing clean work clothes, regularly cleaning and disinfecting the operating environment, etc., to ensure that the entire production process is always maintained in a sterile and dust-free state. Through the design and application of a closed operating environment, the DLP-600 machine successfully minimizes the risk of contamination during product manufacturing, thereby ensuring that the hygiene standards and sterility requirements of medical paper-plastic composite bags are met. This not only improves product quality and safety, but also provides medical institutions with more reliable and efficient packaging solutions.

In terms of material selection, the paper and plastic materials used by the DLP-600 machine comply with the standards and regulations of the medical industry. The paper material selected for the DLP-600 machine has excellent breathability and barrier properties. The air permeability directly affects the air circulation inside the composite bag, while the barrier performance is related to the barrier effect against liquid, dust and microorganisms. These paper materials have been specially treated to ensure good air permeability and effectively block the intrusion of external pollutants, providing safe and reliable protection for the storage and transportation of medical items. In the selection of plastic materials, the DLP-600 machine also strictly follows the standards and regulations of the medical industry. The selected plastic materials are non-toxic, odorless, non-irritating, and have good flexibility and wear resistance. These characteristics allow the plastic material to be closely combined with the paper during the production process of the composite bag, forming a stable and strong structure, while ensuring the durability and reliability of the composite bag during use. The DLP-600 machine also undergoes rigorous biocompatibility testing of selected materials. This means that these materials will not produce harmful chemical reactions or irritations when in contact with the human body or medical items, thus ensuring the safety and hygiene of medical paper-plastic composite bags.

During the manufacturing process, the DLP-600 machine is also equipped with a UV disinfection device. Ultraviolet disinfection is an efficient and fast disinfection method that can kill most bacteria and viruses. During the manufacturing process, the machine will irradiate paper and plastic materials with ultraviolet light to ensure that microorganisms on the surface of the materials are effectively removed. In addition, the machine will perform regular ultraviolet disinfection of the operating environment to maintain a hygienic environment throughout the production process.

The DLP-600 machine also focuses on employee hygiene management. Employees must receive strict hygiene training and wear protective clothing and gloves that meet the requirements before entering the production area. At the same time, the machine will regularly clean and disinfect employees' hands to prevent contamination caused by human factors.

The DLP-600 machine is also equipped with a strict quality inspection system. During the manufacturing process, the machine will strictly monitor and test every production link to ensure that product quality meets the standards and requirements of the medical industry. In addition, the machine will also conduct sampling inspections on finished products to ensure that the products meet sterility requirements through bacterial culture and sterility testing.