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How to tell the difference between recycled and new materials (a little common sense)

Industry newsAuthor: Admin
For the new material and recycled material to distinguish between one of the simplest way is: the plastic film to the sun to see if there is a star point on it, usually there is recycled, basically no is new material. (Because the recycled material color is not the same, feel different, and there are many impurities, color is not good, the color is less.)
The appearance of the regenerated plastic gloss is poor, the surface of the particles dull, uneven size, containing impurities, (Xiongxian Yijin packaging preparation) generally with the color or gray; while the new material gloss is very good, the surface of the particles is smooth, uniform size, does not contain magazines, of them are colorless or milky white. The new material is bright in color, the old material is dull in color. In addition if we want to carefully identify, can be distinguished from the following seven aspects:
1, color: all with translucent than impermeable, no matter what color.
2, gloss: glossy good than no glossy good, is the color of the material surface.
From the physical and mechanical properties of recycled materials made from waste products, after the wind and sun, the surface of the plastic has been aging and degradation, but also by many high-temperature processing melt plasticization, in the light, oxygen and high temperature, some of the macromolecules are oxidized, the macromolecular chain chain of the occurrence of chain-breaking degradation, so that the physical and mechanical properties have declined, regeneration, the more the more the performance of the more serious.
3, wire drawing: (CaC03 more wire drawing is certainly not good, enhance the silk can not be pulled out) blowing out the fire, with iron objects quickly contact the melt, and then quickly pulled apart to see if the silk forming is not uniform, is uniformly good material, more than a few times after pulling the silk overlap, and then pulled apart to see if it has no elasticity, can not be pulled apart again without stopping, did not break or pulled apart a distance after the break is a good material.
4, ignition (see whether the color of the flame smoke, whether it contains off-flame combustion or not at all);
5, smell (a variety of plastic flavor are not the same, including flame retardants, etc.);
6, the above can not be confirmed, please use the fire again, in the process of burning rapidly black smoke or melt rapidly dripping, not good material.
7, floating water: as long as there is sinking water that is poor, if the above is still not sure, or can not get the idea, then only the test machine.