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Paper bag machine maintenance

Industry newsAuthor: Admin
Paper bag machine bag process matters of concern? Paper bag machine a machine can debug more than one specification of the paper bag, a machine multi-purpose, multi-functional, but the use of the process should pay attention to the maintenance of the paper bag machine machine.
Maintenance rules: half a month after the purchase of paper bag machine all bushings are necessary every 2 hours to refuel 1 time, half a month after all bushings every 4 hours to refuel 1 time. 
1, every shift after work is necessary to ensure that the grape bag machine on all the rollers on the spoils cleaned up. So as to do the process of paper bag machine smooth.     
2, chain every 15 days tight 1 time, appropriate tightness.
3, paper bag machine sealing products incomplete how to do?

Generally speaking, LDPE has medium anti-pollution heat sealing, EVA has anti-pollution heat sealing when VA content is large, LDPE also has anti-pollution heat sealing, ionic resins and metallocene polymers have anti-pollution heat sealing.
4, paper bag bag machine all gear top wire every 3 days to tighten 1 time to prevent loosening.
5, paper bag machine sealing brittle and brittle break how to do?
Let's analyze the elements that constitute this kind of doubt: ① may be too much pressure; ② heat sealing time is too long; ③ in the process of compounding and maturation, part of the adhesive into the film inside. ④ composite bags in the cooling and placed, heat sealing strength has increased, along with the tendency to become brittle.
6, all the pressure plate fastening screws every 6 days to tighten 1 time, in order to prevent loosening. Pressure plate is located in the grape bag machine parallel plate.
Assuming that there is such a question, our solution:
① according to the inner sealing layer of the material heat sealing characteristics, select the appropriate processing temperature, pressure and heat sealing time;
② Improve the surface condition of the upper heat sealing knife to make the surface of the sealer flat.